Chance are, if you are one of 35+ million contact lens users in America, you were taught all the basics of proper contact lens hygiene when you first received your prescription. There are probably even better odds that you currently aren’t following those contact lens hygiene basics you were taught every single day. Millions of… Read More
Sunglasses have been synonymous with the idea of “cool” for a long time and it isn’t hard to imagine why. It is hard to picture sunglasses without thinking about Tom Cruise rocking aviators while riding on a motorcycle. Sunglasses have been an important fashion accessory in our society for a long time now, but it… Read More
Well it is officially Spring, a time of beauty where plants spring into life and also a time of season allergies. Ocular allergies, commonly referred to as “eye allergies” are one of these Spring frustrations that millions of people deal with every year. If you suffer from Spring allergies, then you might end up having… Read More
The human eye relies a lot on tears to supply lubrication and moisture so that you can maintain your vision and comfort. You might be surprised to learn that tears are a combination of quite a few elements: water, oil, mucus, antibodies and proteins. Once these essential components are gathered, the human eyes special glands… Read More
Color vision deficiency or, as it is more commonly known, color blindness, occurs when you are unable to perceive a wide spectrum of colors that the eye should be able to see. Color blindness can affect people at a variety of different levels, some may just only be unable to discern shades of red and… Read More
Digital eye strain is a rapidly growing issue in today’s computer reliant world. If you work in an office, chances are you will be spending quite some time in front of a computer screen which can cause your eyes to strain. In fact, 70 percent of Americans who work with computers on a daily basis… Read More
Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a very common eye condition among senior citizens. AMD damages your central vision, which makes it difficult to recognize faces, write, read, paint, and do really anything that involves making out the small details. This makes it a real problem for the older crowd. Thankfully, today we have devised some… Read More
Think back to the moment when your eye doctor first told you that your vision was not 20/20 and you needed glasses. For most people, this moment was not a happy moment, but a moment of panic. For years’ glasses have carried with them an unfortunate social stigma—phrases like “four eyes” come to mind. If… Read More
We don’t think it too early to start planning ahead for future summer travel. Traveling with corrective lenses like eyeglasses or contacts can be a real pain! You always have to pack an extra pair, just in case something happens to your current pair, and you are always concerned about losing them—after all, your travel… Read More
As technology advances, LASIK eye surgery is becoming increasingly more common and accessible for people who are interested in having clear vision without the use of corrective lenses. If you have yet to hear about LASIK eye surgery, it is a permanent solution to correcting your vision. Using lasers, the shape of your eye is… Read More