Diabetes is a growing issue throughout the world, with an estimated 382 million people suffering from it in 2013. If not treated, diabetes can lead to other serious medical complications such as: ischemic heart disease, kidney failure, heart attack, and stroke—but did you know that diabetes can also affect your eyes? According to the American… Read More
Probably the first thing that comes to mind when you think of virtual reality headsets is their function in the entertainment industry. Virtual reality is the new frontier of the entertainment world, but could there be more to the technology than meets the eye? Amblyopia, or “lazy eye,” occurs when one of your eyes vision… Read More
There are a lot of different foods out there that help to promote good eye health, but how many do you know about? In this article we talk about some of these foods and how they can be beneficial to your daily diet. Orange Vegetables I’m sure you remember at least one person telling you… Read More
Most people know to protect themselves from Ultraviolet (UV) rays using traditional sunblock because of increasing skin cancer awareness. It is a less common understanding when it comes to the dangers UV radiation poses to your eyes, but like skin cancer awareness, it is becoming a growing concern around the world. It is good to… Read More
Sunglasses can give you instant James Dean cool or Audrey Hepburn glamour, but they’re much more than just a fashion accessory. Sunglasses are an essential tool in safeguarding the health of your eyes. Sunglasses provide critical protection from the sun’s damaging ultraviolet (UV) rays. Long term exposure to UV rays can damage the surface of… Read More
Taking care of your eyes should be a priority just like eating healthy and exercising regularly. When it comes to our health, we often visit our physician to ensure that our bodies are healthy. But what about when it comes to the health of our eyes? They’re not always top of mind, but they’re definitely… Read More
Some eye conditions are hereditary, but many are a result of poor vision care and bad habits. You may be surprised to find that things you do each and every day might actually be damaging your eye sight. Here are a few bad habits that you should break in order to protect your vision for… Read More
20/20 vision a term used to describe normal visual acuity — the sharpness of a person’s vision — measured at a distance of 20 feet. If a person has 20/20 vision it means that they can see clearly at 20 feet what should normally be seen at a distance. If someone has 20/100 vision it… Read More
March 20th marks the first official day of spring — a day that many of us look forward to throughout the long winter months, but with spring’s beautiful weather and blooming flowers comes seasonal allergies. High levels of pollen, dust and other irritants can leave eyes feeling less than stellar. Approximately one fifth of all… Read More
Over 2,000 eye injuries occur each day on job sites across the U.S. and one in ten of those injuries required missed days of works to recover. Of the total amount of work-related eye injuries that occur, 10 to 20 percent will cause temporary or permanent vision loss. While many think that eye injuries only… Read More